MASTERS Assessment

The Merrimack Assessment of Social, Transitional & Employment Readiness
Skills is a comprehensive assessment tool consistingof several components including: a McCarronDial Vocational Systems Evaluation, social/life andtransitional skills evaluation, situational assessment(s),interviews with relevant persons (teachers, parents, etc.)and student observation in a variety of settings. In additionto the McCarron Dial the following assessmenttools are utilized;

Perceptual Memory Tasks (PMT)
This test consists ofsix activities that assess memory functions. This informationis usefulin determining an individual’s learningstyle, formulating appropriate teaching strategies andplanning vocational programs.
Wide Range Interest Opinion Test (WRIOT2)
This testconsists of 238 two-picture groupings depicting avariety of occupations from which an individual indicateswhether or not he/she likes the job, dislikes the job oris undecided. The results are compared and job clustersdetermined.
School Social Skills (S3) Assessment
This test is acriterion-referenced instrument that yields knowledgeof a student’s social strengths and deficiencies. TheS3 is designed to assist in identifying student deficitsin school-related social behaviors in the areas of:adult relations, peer relations, school rules and classroombehaviors.
Transition Planning Inventory (TPI)
This test is aninstrument for identifying and planning for the transitionalneeds of students. It is designed to provide schoolpersonnel a systematic way to address critical transitionplanning areas that are mandated by the Individualswith Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) of 2004 and thattake into account the individual student’s needs, preferences,interests, and strengths.
Checklist of Adaptive Living Skills (CALS)
This test is ameasure of adaptive living skills. CALS may be used todetermine the specific skills an individual has masteredor needs to master organized into skill modules in fourbroad domains: Personal Living Skills, Home Living Skills,Community Living Skills, and Employment Skills.
McCarron Dial Systems Evaluation
Separate handout
Situational Assessment
The situational assessmentconsists of an on-the-job evaluation in one of MSEC’scommunity-based job sites. This portion of the evaluationprovides the opportunity for an individual to usetheir skills in a real job situation. The student’s abilityto apply skills to real life situations is observed.
Following the evaluation, a report will be generated providing detailed information regarding the student’sstrengths, aptitudes, and interests as well as suggestionsand recommendations for remediation/transition.The evaluator will also be available for consultation, orto attend meetings.

Referral Process/Contact
Program Manager
40 Linnell Circle
Billerica, MA 01821


MSEC Locations

MSEC Programs

Offsite Public School Programs
Offsite Public School Programs more

The Merrimack Vocational High School
The Merrimack Vocational High School provides a high school setting for ... more

School-to-Work is an initiative that builds collaborations among educators, ... more

The Intensive Special Needs Programs
The Intensive Special Needs Programs provide comprehensive services to students more

The Merrimack School 45-Day Assessment Program
Assists in determining interventions that will aid students with increasing ... more

Complete Vocational Assessment Battery
The Complete Vocational Assessment Battery assesses a student’s vocational ... more

Home/School Program
The Home/School Facilitation Program offers comprehensive support, education ... more

Elementary Behavior School (EBS)
Elementary Behavior School (EBS) more

Assessment of Social, Transitional & Employment Readiness Skills
The MASTERS is a comprehensive assessment tool consisting of several components more

Adult Services
The Merrimack Special Education Collaborative (MSEC)Adult Services Programs ... more

Supported Center for Occupational Awareness and Placement
The Supported Center for Occupational Awareness and Placement (SCOAP) provides ... more

Center for Occupational Awareness and Placement
The Center for Occupational Awareness and Placement(COAP) provides students ... more

Programs for Students with Pervasive Development Disorder
Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) programs provide services for children ... more

Partners in Advancing Children’s Education
Partners in Advancing Children’s Education (PACE) provides intensive home-based more

Merrimack Middle School
The Merrimack Middle School therapeutic alternative day program provides a ... more

Merrimack High Schools
The Merrimack High Schools rely heavily on forming learning communities where ... more

Merrimack Middle School Extension Program
The Merrimack Middle School Extension Program provides a high school setting ... more

Contact Us

Contact Us at Merrimack Special Education Collaborative more