Merrimack Extension Program

The Merrimack School Extension Program is gearedtowards middle school students, in grades 6-8,diagnosed along the Autistic Spectrum, including thosestudents with Asperger’s Syndrome, PDD-NOS, and whopresent with sensory modulation deficiencies. Thestudent to teacher ratio of 3:1, with two full time aides,a school adjustment counselor and a variety of teachingmethods allows for students to achieve social-emotionaland academic success. The program has also beensuccessful with 9th grade students who are sociallyand/or academically functioning on a lower level.

“Our environment is flexible —we help our students developcoping, adaptive strategies.”
The core values of MSEC are readily apparent in theclassroom setting. Classrooms are designed to providecomfort and security by limiting stimuli and implementingsensory integration strategies and techniques.Educators are equipped to handle challenging situationsby providing an opportunity for collective problemsolving with parents/guardians, students and otherprofessionals.

The Extension Program utilizes Applied BehavioralAnalysis with a behavior modification point and levelsystem, allowing staff to develop a highly individualizedbehavior plan for each student. In addition, studentsin the program receive Occupational Therapy, Speechand Language Services, Physical Therapy and individualcounseling sessions with the Student AdjustmentCounselor, as determined by their IEP.
Age/Grade Range
Grades 6 – 8 (Grade 9 considered)
Program Location
40 Brick Kiln Road, Chelmsford
Program Hours
8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m., Monday through Friday
School Year
September to August (210 day school year includes6-week summer program)
Additional Services
Outdoor educational trips
Small, structured environment (3:1)
Normative Approach (based on Coping Skills andAnger Management Strategies)
OT, PT, PT, SLP and Counseling
Social skills training
Parent Advisory Council
Referral Process/Contact
Initial contact from SPED Director, followed by referral packet sent to :

Merrimack Middle School Program Director
114 Turnpike Road
Chelmsford, MA 01824


MSEC Locations

MSEC Programs

Offsite Public School Programs
Offsite Public School Programs more

The Merrimack Vocational High School
The Merrimack Vocational High School provides a high school setting for ... more

School-to-Work is an initiative that builds collaborations among educators, ... more

The Intensive Special Needs Programs
The Intensive Special Needs Programs provide comprehensive services to students more

The Merrimack School 45-Day Assessment Program
Assists in determining interventions that will aid students with increasing ... more

Complete Vocational Assessment Battery
The Complete Vocational Assessment Battery assesses a student’s vocational ... more

Home/School Program
The Home/School Facilitation Program offers comprehensive support, education ... more

Elementary Behavior School (EBS)
Elementary Behavior School (EBS) more

Assessment of Social, Transitional & Employment Readiness Skills
The MASTERS is a comprehensive assessment tool consisting of several components more

Adult Services
The Merrimack Special Education Collaborative (MSEC)Adult Services Programs ... more

Supported Center for Occupational Awareness and Placement
The Supported Center for Occupational Awareness and Placement (SCOAP) provides ... more

Center for Occupational Awareness and Placement
The Center for Occupational Awareness and Placement(COAP) provides students ... more

Programs for Students with Pervasive Development Disorder
Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) programs provide services for children ... more

Partners in Advancing Children’s Education
Partners in Advancing Children’s Education (PACE) provides intensive home-based more

Merrimack Middle School
The Merrimack Middle School therapeutic alternative day program provides a ... more

Merrimack High Schools
The Merrimack High Schools rely heavily on forming learning communities where ... more

Merrimack Middle School Extension Program
The Merrimack Middle School Extension Program provides a high school setting ... more

Contact Us

Contact Us at Merrimack Special Education Collaborative more