SCOAP Program Curriculum

Content Area: Mathematics**
Students will develop mathematics skills through these courses of study
Number Sense
This may include: counting objects; identify numerals; demonstrating 1:1 correspondence between objects; matching words and numerals (i.e. 1/one, 2/two, etc); counting by ones; counting by multiples (2s, 5s, 10s, etc); distinguishing between more/less, bigger/smaller, shorter/longer and other simple comparisons of quantity; comparing groups of numbers or objects using the terms greater than, equal to and less than; using numerals to accurately label groups of items; identifying U.S. coins by name and/or value; identifying U.S. dollar bills by value; using bills and coins to represent an amount of money written as a decimal in various combinations; fractions- manipulating whole objects to make two, three, or four parts of a whole, or identifying an comparing parts of a whole (quarters, thirds, halves) and determining relative size of each (1/2, 1/3, 1/4) using manipulatives

This may include: manipulating objects in order to compare sets using concepts (more, less, same, enough, some); addition and subtraction of one and two digit numbers; identifying the common phrases used to indicate the need for addition and subtraction; identifying the appropriate mathematical operation in a simple problem situation, specifically "add vs. subtract"

Computation and Estimation
This may include: estimating using language (a lot, a little, some, few, none, more, less); adding objects to a group until it matches a given grouping; addition and subtraction of objects; rounding to the next dollar amount when making a purchase using dollar bills (i.e. $2.69 becomes $3)

Patterns, Relations and Algebra
This may include: sorting by attributes of objects such as color, shape, size; Matching objects based on similar attributes (texture, color, size); identifying and creating a pattern using familiar objects, plotting and connecting points on a graph; matching/manipulating pictures and objects to create sets, make comparisons between sets, and determine missing objects or quantities within sets; identifying the terms and corresponding symbols for addition (+) and subtraction (-); representing and solving simple addition and subtraction number sentences, using pictures, objects, and/or manipulatives; representing real situations and mathematical relationships on a table, graph, or using words, and/or symbols; producing and interpreting tables and/or graphs that represent the relationship between two variables in everyday situations

This may include: identifying, describing, drawing and/or tracing and comparing two-dimensional shapes (circles, triangles, squares, rectangles, etc); sorting and comparing two-and three-dimensional shapes by attributes; recognizing geometric shapes in the environment; drawing and describing two-dimensional shapes; matching/naming three-dimensional objects with their two-dimensional representations (i.e. cube = square); identifying numbers on a number line; placing numbers correctly on a number line; determining how many numbers separate two points on a number line; demonstrating the position of objects in space (i.e. up, down, over, under, etc); following a direction involving a simple or higher-level positional concept (i.e. take a left at the corner); separating, folding, and combining two-dimensional shapes, using manipulatives

This may include: identifying and naming the appropriate tool for measuring (i.e. clock for telling time, ruler for measuring length, scale for measuring weight, thermometer for measuring temperature); identifying the difference between hot/warm/cool/cold as designated by pictures, measurements, numbers on a thermometer, and/or personal experience; reading a thermometer and describe temperature using appropriate vocabulary; use environmental cues to understand concept of time and its association with certain activities (schedule); measure time to the hour, half-hour, quarter-hour, ten-, five- and one minute interval; recognizing money as a means for making a purchase

Data, Analysis, Statistics and Probability
This may include: accurately constructing graphs, charts, and/or tables for a set of data; demonstrating an understanding and answering questions about organized data on a graph, table or chart; describing a data sample; drawing conclusions given a data sample; using technology to represent data in a variety of formats (i.e. through the use of computer programs); using organized lists, graphs, models, tables and diagrams to portray data and/or predict outcomes; predicting the next event in a given routine; identifying events that are likely or are not likely (i.e. the sun rising every morning vs. snowfall in August)

**Resource Guide to the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks for Students with Disabilities, Fall 2006, 140-234

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School-to-Work is an initiative that builds collaborations among educators, ... more

The Intensive Special Needs Programs
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The Merrimack School 45-Day Assessment Program
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Complete Vocational Assessment Battery
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Assessment of Social, Transitional & Employment Readiness Skills
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Center for Occupational Awareness and Placement
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Programs for Students with Pervasive Development Disorder
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Partners in Advancing Children’s Education
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Merrimack Middle School
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